Monday, March 22, 2010

Lie No. 22: It Is My Responsibility To Change My Mate

I'll be brief today. Whether your husband is floundering spiritually, or you're simply annoyed with his quirky little habits, we must remember that it is God's job to make him into the man that HE wants him to be, not our job to make him into the man that WE want him to be.

And the most effective tool we have in coming along side the work God is doing in his life is prayer. Prayer for him, that he would be sensitive to the voice of God, and that he would step out in faith to be the kind of spiritual leader God is calling him to be. And prayer for ourselves, that we would stop our whining and get out of the way so that God can work in his life without the burden of a nagging wife to weigh him down. The best thing you can do for your husband is to make sure that your own walk with God is where it should be and be an encouragement to him in every positive step he takes. Leave the hard work to God. Trust me, you're not cut out for it anyways. I know I'm not. It's not that their lives are such a horrible mess that it's beyond our capability; it's that God has them right where he wants them, and he is molding them into the men that He wants them to be, something we have no business attempting to do. And maybe, just maybe, all those little "flaws" that we're so concerned about will actually end up endearing them to us even more.

"The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases... It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home." Proverbs 21:1,9

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