There's nothing here and now I'm gonna hold on to. I’m living in the days ahead. I’m already dancing on the streets of gold and I can’t stop celebrating in my soul. I’m living in the days ahead. Nothing on earth could ever compare. I can’t wait for the day that I get there. When I see Jesus face to face. Tell me what could be better. 2
I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger rescued from the depths of hell. My chains fell off with pure surrender and now I live by grace to tell. I'm going there to see my father. I'm going there, no more to roam... I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger brought here before the men of earth. They have promised me certain danger, to pronounce my father's work. 3
My brokenness helped me to see it's grace I'm standing on. I will stumble. I will fall down. But I will not be moved. I will make mistakes. I will face heartache, but I will not be moved. On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. 4
What violent waves of timid faith sow seeds of doubt and fear. I call to Christ who takes my hand. He always draws me near... As glory stands, his gentle hand shall never let me go. 5
I believe. I believe. I believe in the word of God... It's been passed down through ages of time. Written by hands of men. Inspired by the Lord. His word will remain 'til the end. I believe Isaiah was a prophet of old. The lamb was slain, just as he foretold. I believe Jesus was the word made man and he died for my sins and he rose again. 6
Be careful if you think you stand. You just might be sinking... It's a slow fade when you give yourself away. It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray... People never crumble in a day. 7
Oh and what would I say if you brought down the rain, oh and every day I walked through the pain. My heart would still say, "Your name is Jesus. Your name is Jesus..." 8
Need a little more substance in the middle of this emptiness... Need a little more truth not music in this world of lies... 'Cuz I've looked as deep as I can see and I think I need a little more you in the middle of me. 9
There in the ground His body lay. Light of the world by darkness slain: Then bursting forth in glorious Day. Up from the grave he rose again! And as He stands in victory. Sin's curse has lost its grip on me, For I am His and He is mine - Bought with the precious blood of Christ... From life's first cry to final breath. Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand. 10
I don't wanna be a flame. I wanna be a raging fire! Tired of my will, my way. Your calling's higher. Wanna be a rebel with a Holy cause. Stand against the Devil and hold up my cross. You have a mission for me, a reason why I'm here... 11
So when I am consumed by what the world will say, still you're singin' to me as you remove my chains. 12
My queries are endless. My answers are few. But life has caused me to conclude, I can face what I don't know, by singin' about I do. 13
And when you see me face to face, I'm certain that the plans you have will turn out good for me. I rest in the assurance of your boundless provision. It's a mystery that you believe in me... When the world is caving in, I can hear you whispering, "I will calm the sea.
Believe in me." 14
1. Amy Grant- I Have Decided
2. 33 Miles- What Could Be Better
3. Enfield- Wayfaring Stranger
4. Natalie Grant- I Will Not Be Moved
5. Enfield- Unfailing Grace
6. Wes King- I Believe
7. Casting Crowns- Slow Fade
8. Among The Thirsty- I'd Need A Savior
9. Todd Agnew- In The Middle of Me
10. Natalie Grant- In Christ Alone
11. Ginny Owens- I Wanna Be Moved
12. Ginny Owens- Free
13. Ginny Owens- Live Once
14. JJ Heller- Believe In Me
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